
Glide and Turn with The Waltz Dance

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Introduction to Waltz

The Waltz, which originated from an old German word “walzen” meaning to roll, turn, or glide, quickly became a popular and independent dance style. It was introduced with a close hold, adding an intimate touch to the dance. By the late eighteenth century, the Waltz gained recognition among high society and solidified its place in the dance world.

This lively and elegant ballroom dance is performed in 3/4 time, emphasizing the first beat and following a simple step-step-close pattern. The Waltz holds its roots in the outskirts of Vienna and the alpine region of Austria. As early as the seventeenth century, Waltzes were being enjoyed in the grand ballrooms of the influential Habsburg court, one of Europe’s most esteemed royal families.

Even prior to this period, the peasants in Austria and Bavaria were known to dance “weller,” a type of turning dance. Interestingly, some of the delightful Waltz melodies we know today can be traced back to these humble peasant yodeling tunes. Furthermore, during the mid-eighteenth century, in France, the Allemande style of the Waltz gained immense popularity. Originally incorporated as one of the figures in the Contredanse, this particular Waltz form involved intertwining arms at shoulder level, adding a visually captivating element to the dance.

The Waltz has a rich history, starting from its humble peasant origins to its acceptance in the upper echelons of society. Its charm lies in its smooth gliding movements and the elegance it brings to the dance floor.

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