
Thank you Maria Manusova – DSS Workshop Recap

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Maria Manusova at DSS

What a fantastic opportunity DSS members had this week to learn from such a great role model of this industry. Maria Manusova is for sure one of the best dancers, teachers, and coaches there is. With her crazy optimistic and light-hearted energy, passion, and love for what she does, she changes the dance world for a better future! Maria was one of DSS Studio Owner Michelle’s first teachers when she ventured into the Ballroom Dancing World.

“I fell in love with Ballroom Dancing in large part because of Maria & Eugene and their studio Brooklyn DanceSport Club in New York. I couldn’t wait until school was over for my mom to pick me up and drive that 1.5 hours to the studio so that I could take lessons. It was a drug for me, the atmosphere that these two people created in such a beautiful environment for education and growth. Now, our DSS students have this same chance to train with this incredible dancer and coach.” – Michelle

DSS Ballroom Dancing Kids Learn from the Best

Our juvenile, junior, and youth dancers were thrilled to take part in Maria’s group class seminar, where they learned about all of the various chasse’s present in the dance of the Cha-Cha-Cha. Once they got them down, Maria combined those chasses into a fun and productive little piece of choreography that got the kids sweating and moving, all while increasing their knowledge of dance education . We are very grateful for this chance to learn from you, Maria, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

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4A Eves Drive, Marlton NJ 08053
+1 800-817-3550
M-F: 10AM - 8PM; Sat: 10AM-4PM